Friday, December 3, 2010

Blog Day 2~ Another Holiday Craft Idea: Tulle Angels

Since Chistmas is near, I thought I would share another holiday craft idea.  This one is Tulle Angels:

You will need

tulle circles
extra plain white tulle
gold ribbon
needle and thread is optional

I had a bunch of tulle circles on  hand, that my Aunt gave me.  Mine were white with gold rims and white with gold dots.   I also had gold ribbon she gave me as well.  So I didn't have to go buy anything for this craft.  Many of my crafts come from items I already had around the house. 

I took the gold dotted ones and cut them in half:
Then I took the edges and folded them into the center, then bunched the center together.  Next you can either take a piece of ribbon to tie it together in the center like below, or you can take a needle and thread and sew it together to make sure it stays.  (*Make sure your ribbon is atleast 6-8 inches long, to ensure you have enough to then wrap around the angel neck, and then make a loop and tie in the back.*) 

Then I took the gold rimmed tulle circles and a bit of plain tulle and rolled it up into the center, and pinched it together

Now you can either sew the wings onto the back of your angel at the pinched area, or you can use the extra lenght of the gold ribbon and wrap it around the neck to tie it together.

then form a loop with the ribbon and tie in a knot to hold in place.
 IF you use a needle and thread then still take the gold ribbon and wrap around the neck and then loop in the back to make a way to hang your angel. 
And now you have your Angel a quick and easy craft.
This is a great homemade Christmas gift idea for family members and easy for a child to help make.


I hope you will enjoy making this craft with your family, and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me. 
THANKS for reading my blog!